Equity, Health & Safety
The Safety and Health Delegate serves as a resource for residents, board members, and unit representatives and provides suggestions on safety and public health issues related to the University Apartments South (UAS).
The Safety and Health Delegate is responsible for organizing a neighborhood watch and involving residents in the process.
During the year, a walkthrough is performed of the premises of UAS, and findings such as residents’ ongoing concerns are reported to the President and/or Vice President. Additionally, any maintenance, health, and safety suggestions are proposed to UAS Management, UCPD, and the UASRA Board. If need be, the UCPD Crime Prevention unit is involved and ask their assistance in addressing these issues.
Resources for Residents
Resource meetings for vulnerable residents of color-Resource meetings for black residents are intended to do a check in pertaining to safety and health issues once a month or once every other month. They will provide updates to black residents with resources and support information. Meetings will be in collaboration with UCLA Residential Life and other organizations whenever possible.
Additional Resources- Continue to be a resource in any way possible to the University Village Community and be of assistance to other UASRA officers and the board. If time permits will continue to work with the Cancel Rent committee and continue my implicit bias campaign.
Newsletter and Workshops
Newsletter- Keep an out for upcoming articles on safety or health issues, one in fall 2020, one in winter 2021, & one in spring 2021. These articles will include information for residents about opportunities & resources relating to health and safety.
Zoom events/workshops-Two events/workshops on zoom during the 2020-2021 year will be organized to educate residents on safety and health issues, especially pertaining to CV-19, existing safety issues, and more. These workshops/events will be organized in collaboration with local and UCLA agencies such as UC Residential Life, UCPD, neighborhood councils, nonprofit organizations, and other organizations.