Resident of the Month - Hall of Fame
The 'Resident of the Month', established in 2022, is a program aimed at recognizing the amazing members of our community. These are individuals who are nominated by other residents for their kindness and acts of service in the communities that we live in.
Know a resident whom you want to nominate? Visit the form below.

Janine o Barr
Apri 2024
She is a Sepulveda neighbor who actively contributes to numerous events and generously assists with our free food program, especially during times when volunteer support is crucial

Tim Gabdrakipov
April 2023
Tim picks up food for Sepulveda almost every weekend, and on certain weekday nights as well. He plays an essential role in Sepulveda food distribution especially when the deliveries from FoodCycle are getting less.

Emille Andrade and Jean Marques
March 2022
Emille is a Sepulveda master gardener and Jean is her husband. Together they care for sepulveda community gardens at 3251. They are very humble, hard working volunteer residents. They started free seedling distribution from their own efforts for their gardeners. Emille is caretaker for UASRA seed library.

Niki Holmes
February 2023
Thank you to for providing free conversation English classes for our international residents every Saturday for several months now.

Alekander Johnson
January 2022
AJ is a resident at UAS Rose, and has been helping with the food program since over a year ago. He has been picking up donations from several grocery stores on both Monday mornings and Saturday evenings, which feed both Rose and Sepulveda people. He also helped cover some temporary runs. The food program won’t be as smooth as it is now without his dedication.

Kunie Katsu-Martin
December 2022
Kunie is one of the core volunteers with the free food program since the beginning and has been very active. She leads and helps with almost all the deliveries through the week, even cleaning up during and after the food distribution.

Somanshu Banerjee
November 2022
One of the "new" volunteers at Sepulveda side. He has been very active and helpful. We appreciate all his good work.

Chris Ho
October 2022
Chris has been a leading and active volunteer on the Sawtelle side. He has helped with the NourishLA program and brought active volunteers together for the free food program.

Cristina Teran
September 2022
Cristina is the master gardener of 3234 Sawtelle! She enjoys teaching new gardeners in her outside garden to build raised beds. She truly cares for this community!

Tracy La Mattina
August 2022
She has been moderating the FB group for a year (UAS Community group), she is very active and helpful.

Cheer Wu
June 2022
Cheer has been volunteering for our UASRA general events (Halloween and Spring) leading craft tables, making popcorn,and cleaning up with us. She is amazing!

Melanie Mayer and Antonia Moure
May 2022
They created the PARENTS GROUP to support families from the UV. Find more information on this group here.

Brenda Wang
April 2022
Master Garden in Sepulveda side. She transformed one very shady plot in a pollination area. Now this plot has flowers to attract and feed insects who help our garden and nature.
Fabiola and Rodolfo
March 2022
This couple from Sawtelle side, had the initiative to take leftovers from the Free Food Program and distribute them to local houseless people in the area.

Sherry Zhu
February 2022
She has been working for a long time as one of the core volunteers on Sepulveda Free Food Program.